- Definitions Page

- Autobiography
- Pronunciation: \?o?-t?-bi-'ä-gr?-fe, -be-\
Function: noun
Date: 1771
: the biography of a person narrated by himself or herself
- Cerebral palsy
- Function: noun
Date: 1889
: a disability resulting from damage to the brain before, during, or shortly
after birth and outwardly manifested by muscular incoordination and speech
- Comprehensive
- Pronunciation: \-'hen(t)-siv\
Function: adjective
Date: 1614
1 : covering completely or broadly : inclusive <comprehensive examinations>
<comprehensive insurance>
2 : having or exhibiting wide mental grasp <comprehensive knowledge>
- Quadriplegic
- Pronunciation: \?kwä-dr?-'ple-jik\
Function: noun
Etymology: quadriplegia, from New Latin
Date: 1921
: one affected with paralysis of both arms and both legs
- Spasticity
- Pronunciation: \spa-'sti-s?-te\
Function: noun
Date: circa 1827
: a spastic state or condition; especially : muscular hypertonicity with increased
tendon reflexes
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- This is the sixth term
- This is the definition of the sixth term
- This is the seventh term
- This is the definition of the seventh term
- This is the eighth term
- This is the definition of the eighth term
- This is the ninth term
- This is the definition of the ninth term
- This is the tenth term
- This is the definition of the tenth term
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